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Mary Murkin

By, Lady Mary

North Carolina’s allergy season is in full swing!  The tree pollen count is classified as HIGH right now.  The sneezes are all around us, as are the runny noses, congestion, and itchy eyes.  Just talking about this makes me want to rub my eyelids.

When my niece was recently having a particularly bad bout with allergies, it gave me an opportunity to research how teas and other herbals might be able to help.  My brother had tried all the usual medical strategies and nothing was working.  I hit the books to see if I could learn how natural remedies might be part of the answer.

I quickly learned that at the top of this combat list was Rooibos, also known as red tea.   In case this word is new to you, it is pronounced “roy-bus.”  It is an African herb with a fruity, sweet flavor.  The spikey leaves of this herb are picked and dried and readied for brewing in much the same way that tea leaves are prepared for distribution.  We brew it the same way as tea leaves.

As I explored how Rooibos can help fight allergy symptoms, I learned that Rooibos contains two bioflavonoids called rutin and quercetin.  These compounds block the release of histamine, a chemical the body produces in response to allergens.  A tea infusion can be consumed to prevent and relieve allergies, thus becoming an antihistamine.

Next on this list of herbal ammunition is ginger tea.  Ginger is also a natural antihistamine, so it relieves allergy problems in the sinus area.  It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can provide relief to any aches accompanying  allergies.  In addition, ginger tea is traditionally consumed for relief of digestive disorders and to calm the stomach.

So, there you have it---two possible tea remedies to drink regularly to help you get some natural relief from these really miserable allergies.  It can’t hurt to try, and besides that they are delicious!

Till next time:  Bottoms up!